Saturday, August 7, 2010

At Long Last

Was left to my own devices this weekend and ended up buying a Kitchenaid to kill time. Yes, one can spend a lot of money even in Benalla.

I've been experiencing a slump of sorts in the cooking department. I guess I've kinda gotten to the point where simple recipes bore me, but complicated recipes are just too much work. As a result, I end up lying in bed eating Cheezels and reading Pollyanna.

Anyway, I brought it home, cracked open the box and proceeded to bake a Japanese cheesecake. I have to say the volume of egg whites I produced was probably about 30% more than usual, even without the addition of cream of tartar.

Very pleased with my purchase, feel that I should have bought this a long long time ago.


  1. I love it in red! It must look fantastic in your kitchen. Good I invite myself for dinner tonight?

  2. maybe it's also time to run thru ur favourite recipes again with the kitchenaid..


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