Saturday, September 26, 2009

My Baby's All Grown Up

Milton just turned 1 this week, and I have taken some time to think about how he has impacted my life.

For the first 6 months there were times when I thought I couldn't do it. He chewed his way through so many things, refused to be housebroken, he kept waking me up at night because he had to go... I have no idea how I did it.

But I made it. And now he's the sweetest, cutest little thing and much more well behaved. Love him to bits. At least once a day I pick him up, squeeze him and say 'Milton, why are you so cute?!'

To mark his birthday, I baked him a cake. Well, baked myself a cake. It was a blueberry lemon cake.

Milton never gets human food but since it was his birthday, concessions were made. He got one tenth of a slice.

Mommy, why can't I have cake every day?


  1. aww this is such a nice read. happy birthday milton =)

  2. I recently found your blog and wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading and looking at your photos. I have a Cavalier, too, and ask her all the time how she can possibly be so cute. :) Happy Birthday Milton!


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